Brand Battle: Hyundai vs. Panasonic Solar Panels |

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Brand Battle: Hyundai vs. Panasonic Solar Panels

Hyundai and Panasonic are trusted brands and they’ve both expanded into the solar panel industry. Offering quality products for two different price points, each brand has its pros and cons.

They’re also both top solar brands on Let’s explore the differences here, analyzing both brands against the most important industry specs:

  • Efficiency and Nominal Power
  • Degradation
  • Temperature Coefficient
  • Warranties and Bankability
  • Cost

Solar Panel Efficiency and Nominal Power

Efficiency tells you how well your solar panels convert solar energy into electricity. The higher your solar panel efficiency, the more electricity you’ll get from the panel on average.

The more efficient a panel is, the fewer panels you’ll need on your roof. This makes high-efficiency panels especially desirable for smaller rooftops. On the other hand, if roof space isn’t an issue, you could get more low-efficiency (and most likely lower-cost) panels for a similar result.

  • Hyundai’s solar panel efficiency range is between 14.2 percent to 18.4 percent
  • Panasonic’s efficiency ranges from 19 percent to 21.6 percent

Nominal power represents the maximum power output under normal conditions. Your panel’s output capacity is another major factor in determining how many solar panels you’ll need to cover your monthly energy consumption.

  • Hyundai nominal power ranges are between 275 Watts and 300 Watts
  • Panasonic falls between 315 Watts and 330 Watts.

So far, Panasonic offers more efficient and more powerful solar panels than Hyundai.


The second law of thermodynamics states that all things go from order to disorder. Or more plainly, stuff wears out over time.

So it goes with solar panels. Over their lifetimes, solar panels don’t produce as much electricity as they used to. Both companies offer a 25-year performance warranty on how much energy these panels will produce over time.

Here, Panasonic is offering a higher percentage of power over the same time period. Both guarantees are good.

Temperature Coefficient of Hyundai vs. Panasonic Solar Panels

Your solar panels operate best in cooler temperatures. The ideal temperature for solar panels is 77 degrees F (25 degrees C).

For every degree above that, your temperature coefficient determines how well your panels produce in warmer weather. The lower a panel temperature coefficient, the better.

  • Hyundai’s temperature coefficient range is between -0.45 and -0.41
  • Panasonic’s is between -0.3 to -0.29

Here again, Panasonic has the slight edge. Panasonic’s HIT panels are especially powerful electricity producers with some of the lowest temperature coefficients in the industry.

Equipment Warranties and Bankability

  • Hyundai offers 5 to 10-year equipment warranties
  • Panasonic offers 25-year equipment warranties

Obviously, Panasonic offers the better warranty here, protecting you against any product defects for longer.

Bankability is the capability of a company to back up those warranties in the future. A promise to replace any faulty equipment is worthless if a company goes out of business in year 18 of your 25-year warranty.

Panasonic has been in business since 1918 and has been producing solar panels for the last 40 years – one of the earliest entrants into the industry. Hyundai was established in 1972 and has been producing solar panels for 13 years.

Both companies are well established and very profitable. Their diverse product offerings make them both stable and bankable. Learn more about evaluating solar companies in this post.

Cost of Hyundai vs. Panasonic Solar Panels

Panasonic offers top-tier solar panels priced between $3.37 and $3.86 per watt.

Hyundai solar panels currently price between $2.83 – $3.10 per watt, which is on the lower end of industry averages. This makes Hyundai a great option for cost-conscious solar projects.

Of course, prices will vary significantly based on where you are located and what providers near you have on supply. If you’re looking to get detailed offers from multiple solar providers near you, check out our online solar marketplace.

Which Solar Panel Is Better?

One solar panel brand might suit your solar project, while the other might be better for your next door neighbor. Panasonic and Hyundai are Fortune 500 companies producing quality products backed by warranties.

Both panels are viable options. Which you choose simply depends on your goal!

On the platform, we saw more people choose Hyundai than Panasonic in 2017. This may be because Hyundai offers a quality product at a more affordable price, even if the efficiencies and warranties don’t match up with Panasonic.

An energy advisor can help you figure out which panels might be a better choice for your solar project. Give them a call at 888.454.9979 or explore instant estimates for solar for your home here.

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